DIET AND LIFESTYLEAlcohol and a balanced dietMost adults across the UK enjoy drinking and do so within the weekly low risk guidelines – that is 14 units per week for both men and women. In this section we have ideas to help you maintain a balance to having a good time without going over the top. View our Top tips for responsible drinking as part of a healthy lifestyle. It is important to include drinking alcohol only as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, not smoking, maintaining a low BMI and exercise, of course. Calories? Alcohol is fat free but high in calories. A standard half pint of beer has approximately 100 calories, as does a 125ml glass of dry wine – about the same as an apple juice. Binge drinking can make you feel hungry though, as alcohol stimulates your appetite while reducing your self-control, so you're more likely to binge eat if you binge drink. Healthy lifestyle and the Mediterranean dietStudies have shown that a healthier, ‘Mediterranean’ type diet, high in fruits, vegetables, fish, salad and olive oil and including alcohol in moderation, leads to greater longevity and a significant reduction in heart disease, late on set diabetes and stroke.
Drink with food Drinking with food not only decreases the effect of alcohol (lowers the higher blood alcohol level associated with drinking on an empty stomach), but helps counter damaging free radicals. Rich foods increase the state of “oxidative stress” in the body. Dietary antioxidants, including those from red wine, can help reduce the oxidation of cholesterol and lipoprotein, both implicated in cardiovascular disease . Research shows that drinking outside of meal times increases the risk of high blood pressure; and, along with abstinence, is associated with greater all cause mortality.
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